This Is For Her.

Last week I finalized my 14 week plan for having my short film completed, marketed and premiered.

The end date is between February 2 - February 8.

Seeing that week written down on paper was actually a pretty real and even daunting thing. For the first time I actually set down on paper the dates I had to have this completed by. Let me remind you, no one has put this on me. This is a challenge I have set for myself in the hopes of exploring and enjoying more in depth story telling going into next year since this is what I really want to explore for my third year on YouTube.

Each week, starting this week, and leading up to the week of February 2 has its own challenges and deadlines. I have broken it down into 14 weeks to give me enough to do each week and move the needle forward but also so I don’t procrastinate on this project and lower the standard for myself.

Having never taken on a project like this before it’s actually pretty scary. Thoughts like, “what if no one cares about it?” Or even like “what if it actually sucks?” Keep coming up but I am reminding myself that I want to do this to be better at telling stories.

As a kid I remember wanting to get creative with verbally telling stories to my siblings or friends and getting stumped because I didn’t have that type of imagination. This is something I wanted to change when I had my daughter and something I want to perfect for her.

Film has given this back to me and she is the number one reason I must follow through with this. I’m not sure how this might shape my thinking in 14 weeks or even if this will make me either hate it or love story telling even more but I’m excited to revisit this blog post when the film has gone live.

So, yes, others might be disinterested or even hate it, but it can’t matter. This isn’t for them.

This is for her.


Everyone Has This Type Of Week


That One Thing…Is The Most Important.